St Lawrence Hall Wedding

Grace + Christian 

Guys... do not let your better half's read this post.  No matter what, you're going to end up looking like a chump compared to Christian.

As their 10 year wedding anniversary approached, Grace & Christian wanted to celebrate with their friends and family.  Since the first time around they only had a small city hall wedding this time they went all out... fancy ceremony and reception at St Lawrence Hall, bridal party and pictures out at the Guild inn, and even a photographer :).

I don't think Christian said no to a single thing his wife asked for on this big day... he gave her the day she wanted and deserved those 10 years ago!

Not only did I capture some great pictures for them, I also came away with one of the best wedding stories!  As the guys were leaving the hotel in the elevator, the best man went to check on the rings and it fell out of the box... and promptly rolled across the elevator and dropped down the gap into the elevator shaft.    After a small panic attack, maintenance was called and the ring was found!

I want to give a big shout out to Aron Goss who was my second photographer and did an amazing job.

Check out some of my favourite wedding photographs from the day as well as their wedding slideshow below.